Training Camp blew my mind. I had dozens of words of prophecy spoken over me and spoke prophecy over many people. I was in an intimate time of worship when Jimmy approached me and spoke into my ear, "You are going to find out just how strong God is in this season of your life. It is going to come out of your weakness and you will truly know what it means for God's strength to be perfected in your moments of weakness. You seek holiness more than anything and God sees your heart. It is okay to be weak and embrace His strength." In that moment I began to weep. I went to my knees and placed my face to the ground. I felt such an amazing peace as tears of joy and brokenness streamed down my face.
I left training camp feeling confident in the leadership role God called me to. I didn't choose to be a leader for myself, He did. I walk taller and my head is looking up. I know who I am and in Who my strength lies. I am a King's kid and I am destined for greatness.
We arrived in Puerto Barrios, Guatemala on Tuesday September 6, 2011 after more than 15 hours of travel. It was a smooth transition after the next. Praise God for one of the students that speaks Spanish!! We would have been stuck without her (God's Will is perfect). We have unpacked our bags and settled in. We went over ministry orientation after dinner and setup our ministry for the next week or two.
A lot of what we will be doing is: intercessory prayer, evangelism, dramas, visiting the elderly, visiting kids in the garbage dumps, and leading worship.
Pray for the spiritual strongholds of: pride, envy in the local church (between pastors), jealousy, and lust to name a few. Pray for our hearts to be guarded and prepared for ministry daily. Pray for Paul and Hilda (our contact) as they face many obstacles in their ministry. Keep us lifted as often as you think of us.
May God pour out His abundance in your life and fill you with the faith to change the world. God bless you! Jesus is LORD!!!!