
Making a disciple Out of Me



Through out my whole month here, God has spoken to me in so many ways. One thing that I can't get away from is the fact that I'm supposed to be His disciple. Last night we attended Pastor Rony's church, and when I say we attended, I mean we were the church in some sort of fashion. Sometimes I feel as if we're on tour here in Guatemala, we've visited so many churches, and at almost every one we perform a drama, spanish songs, which Belle plays on her guitar, and two of us share our testimonies. Then we get asked to take pictures with them and their children, so basically we're famous. But what am I "famous" for? Performing a funny drama, or telling my testimony? Or is it because I can sing a few songs in spanish? The more I think about it, I don't want to be known for that, yes it's great and fun at times, but being a disciple isn't about having fun and getting your picture taken, it's about going into the nations and making God famous and His name known! All throughout the book of Acts, many disciples went all throughout Asia and parts of Europe proclaiming the Gospel to those who hated to even hear the name Jesus. They were famous and they were known, why? Not because they sang pretty songs or performed dramas (which is in no way bad at all) but because they gave up all they had for Christ, despite what people said, thought or how they treated them. Look at Stephen for example in Acts 6. He was performing great wonders among the people, but the people of Asia and Cilcia lied and said he was "speaking blasphemous words against God." Therefore they took him before the Council. The high priest and everyone below him became familiar with Stephen. He was famous. But what did the council do? They began stoning him and gnashing their teeth at him. During all this Stephen lay there crying out "Lord! Do not hold this sin against them!" After saying this, he died.


Look at Paul, he was famous, but hated by most. He traveled city to city preaching the gospel. In Acts 26:29 Paul says to King Agrippa, "I would wish to God, that whether in a short time or long time, not only you, but also all who hear me this day, might become such as I am." Paul wasn't fearful of the King. He didn't know how Agrippa would react, but he still full heartedly preached the word hoping he would persuade the king into become a believer. All throughout his life, Paul was persecuted and tried because of his obedience to God. That's how I want to live, and how I am slowly learning to live while I'm in Guatemala. The Lord never once said it would be easy, in fact he said it would be hard, but in the end it will be worth it.


I want to be God's disciple, because that's what he called me AND you to be. Sometimes we're scared to go out into the world because we don't want to offend anyone, but Jesus was offensive and people hated him. I want to know what it feels like to suffer for the sake of Christ. In John 15:18 Jesus says "If the world hates you, you know that it has hated me first. If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of this world, because of this the world hates you." I'm slowly coming to the realization that I'm okay with that, because suffering for Christ is so much better and so much more rewarding than being of this world. 


God called us to "go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that [He] has commanded [us]." And I know that I can do this because I'm not okay with the fact that more than 3 billion people don't know the love of the Father. But it can only be made known through His strength and His power alone!

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