Hello Friends
The last few days (actually 2 months) have been a time of reflection and revelation. Of surrendering and being filled up. And one thing that God has called me to lay down is my FOCUS.
There are many times that I focus on me, from every day issues to spiritual things. I think about me and my struggles, what I have done wrong, what I need to change in the future, how I will reach certain goals, and how I will grow in my relationship with the Lord. But that is pride and therefore I am acting in sin.
But God is calling me to be the CLAY. Isaiah 64:8 says that “And yet, O Lord, You are our Father. We are the clay, and You are the Potter. We are all formed by your hand.”
My life is not about me. It is to Glorify God. So I must lay down my pride and let the master Potter mold me into the piece He has created me to be. I must not fight God for He is gentle. As I put my faith and trust in the Lord, I will experience joy because my purpose in life is Him. Through that the Lord will bless me. He will paint me with joy, peace, direction, confidence, and hope.
In laying down myself as the clay my desires for the next 2 months is that I will
-Pour 100% of myself into ministry and life here. It is easy for me to view these ministries as obligations that I must fulfill. But the truth is, it is an honour to serve God and make Him known.
– Love others the way that God loves me knowing that His love also encompasses holiness, mercy, righteousness, and grace.
– Focus on God and Him alone.
Focusing on God it is an act of humbleness. For we are crucified with Christ. And it is not we who live but Christ who lives in us.
“Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.”