Sometimes the Old Burns So the New May Come

A couple days ago, we went to see the something of the past.  Mystifying, the Mayan ruins of Tikal stood above us as silent sentinels of a lost world and fading culture, that when imagined urges you to question why you were born into the time and the place you were.   But as we left the ruins our journey happened to intersect the course of another body of people, still alive, but in some ways quite as lost. That again stirred up questions of fate and destiny and what names of character and culture those forces place on us.    Questions like,   “When I lay...

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My God, He is good

Let's just dive into Graham's brain for a little bit. I think a lot and I am only human, so my wisdom is very limited and the wisdom I have is only from God (doesn't mean I'm not stupid sometimes, again I am only human). But again, I digress… I came onto this Guatemala trip breathing in limitless possibilities for God to move and breathing out a very rogue driving force of veiled love. God has broken me of that. See it comes from being flooded by a lot of Bible reading, theology studying and loving people so much that you can see how they can grow. So, for all of you that...

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Cliche But True

      Well people prepare yourself for the most cliché and typical missionary post of your life. I’m about to tell you how blessed I truly am after being here, even after such a short time. I know what you’re thinking “oh great another missionary telling me how I need to eat all my food because there are starving child in Africa”, but that’s NOT what I want to say at all.       So here we go, I was sitting at the dump today talking to this family while they ate lunch. (When I say talking I mean barely picking up any of their...

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Guillermo and Pedro

It all started with God telling me to "be ready to recieve." He also went on to tell me "be ready to recieve bad news, but venture forth with good news." So, that left me with a shaky assurance that God was going to do something. The good thing is that I was assured that that bad news was not that my family wasn't in trouble or something worse.  So, my team and I went to the Santo Tomas market to pray for the bars, and the marred gentlemen who reside there. We walked to a very shady and dark bar that said something in Spanish. The men in the club across from the...

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We are not alone

We started out last week going out to the children’s hospital here in Puerto Barrios. I was a little nervous walking in, not knowing what I might find. The rooms reminded me of something out of an old war movie. Old, uncomfortable beds and a handful of patients all put together in one room with different injuries and illnesses. No privacy at all. It being a children’s hospital, the room was also filled families and parents sitting with their sick children. Looking around the room, one little boy in particular stole my heart. He was wearing old, ratty clothes made for man twice his...

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We have Friends in Low Places

Today, I truly felt the Father's heart being my only substance. I have always had problems showing emotions or truly feeling anything. It comes from a long time of suppressing and thinking that emotions and God are not what should fuel my tie to my Creator. But, that's the thing, God has created emotions for His glory. Be praying that I am continuously vulnerable to the Holy Spirit and not just open to what He does. But, back to my story: There is a lot of children at this dump that we do ministry at, and a special muchacho named "Igner" or "Egner" (his nickname is...

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